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COMPACT RESPONSE SHIELD | How to reload a handgun or assault rifle while holding a ballistic shield.

Read more This video covers the operating recommendations for reloading a handgun and long rifle while holding the armor research company, inc. compact response shield. #shield #armor #lawenforcement Learn more at:

Science & Technology

Armor Research Company At SHOT Show 2023 |

Read more James Boydd demonstrates Armor Research Company, Inc.'s Compact Response Shield. Originally designed for solo officer responses to active shooter incidents. #compactresponseshield #activeshooter #tactical #swat #activeshooter#training #tacticalgear #tactical #police #selfdefense Thanks for watching the Armor Research Company video! Visit us at

News & Politics

Self defense, defense, protection, self protection, tactical gear, tactical training, tactical, body armor, riot control, tactics, riot gear, gear, police, law enforcement, swat, riot, tactical survival gear, survival, survival gear, police tactics, armour, armor, security, soft body armor, hard armor plates, knife defense,

ARC and Randy Sutton of The Wounded Blue sponsor speech for LEO Firearms Survival Summit 2023

Read more It was our honor to support The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund at the Law Enforcement Officers Firearms Survival Summit in partnership with Randy Sutton of The Wounded Blue. Randy Sutton is not a paid endorsement. His opinions are based on independent review of the products use and performance. Any mis-statements made during this video are unintentional. If you would like any information regarding this product, please refer to the documentation available on our website. Armor Research Company, Inc. supports the ongoing efforts of Randy Sutton and The Wounded Blue.* You can view the full 7 hour summit here: You can show your support for fallen and wounded officers here: To learn more about providing protective equipment for officers please contact: ARMOR RESEARCH COMPANY, INC. #lawenforcement #armor #leo VIEW THE FULL ITINERARY HERE: Featured Speakers Keynote Address: ATF Director Steven Dettelbach Special Guests: Brian Gould, Chief of Police, Bristol, CT Jeff Caggiano, Mayor, City of Bristol, Connecticut 8:45 am Opening Remarks Troy S. Anderson – Executive Director, Officer Safety and Wellness, National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF) Marcia Ferranto – Chief Executive Officer, NLEOMF 9:00 am Keynote Presentation Steven M. Dettelbach – Director, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) 9:30 am Lt. Randy Sutton – Founder & Chairman, The Wounded Blue; Partner, The Armor Research Company Lt. Randy Sutton (Ret.) from the Armor Research Company (ARC) delivers remarks on Wounded Blue and the ARC’s lightest Rifle Rated Compact Response Shield 9:35 am Analysis from the 2022 End-of-year Preliminary Law Enforcement Officers Fatalities Report Bill Alexander – Executive Director, National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial, NLEOMF 10:15 am Leading an Agency After an Ambush-Style Attack Brian Gould – Chief of Police, Bristol (CT) Police Department Jeff Caggiano – Mayor, City of Bristol, Connecticut 11:00 am Success Stories from Destination Zero Agencies and Resources from NLEOMF Matthew Garcia – Senior Program Manager, Law Enforcement Ambassador Program, NLEOMF 1:00 pm Officer Safety Awareness Training (OSAT) Philip D. Wright – Liaison Specialist, Law Enforcement Engagement Unit, FBI Criminal Justice Information Services Division 2:00 pm Winning Armed Encounters Peter Soulis – Inspector, Sworn Training Unit, Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) 3:00 pm Panel Discussion on Law Enforcement Firearms Related Injuries and Fatalities Moderator: Jim Burch – President, National Policing Institute Moderator: Jim Burch – President, National Policing Institute Brenda Goss Andrews – President, National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) William G Brooks III – Chief, Norwood (MA) Police Department; Board of Directors, International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Jim Burch and representatives from our nation’s leading law enforcement organizations 3:55 pm Program Concludes *Lt. Randy Sutton is not a paid endorsement for Armor Research Company. He is not an employee or spokesperson for Armor Research Company, Inc. This transcript describes only one person’s experience and is not a guarantee, promise, or reflection of Armor Research Company, Inc. or it's products.

Science & Technology

Compact Response Shield | How to install the FoxFury Taker B30 Ballistic Shield Light

Read more This installation video is a step by step guide on how to install the FoxFury Taker B30 Ballistic Shield Light on the Armor Research Company, Inc. Compact Response Shield. #bulletproofshield #foxfury #bodyarmor For more information on the Compact Response Shield: Jim Boydd is the National Sales Director at Armor Research Company. Mr. Boydd is a retired Police Sergeant for the City of Corona (CA) and has worked numerous assignments including, Patrol, Field Training, SWAT, Traffic, and Gang Enforcement. He has over 25 years of experience as a law enforcement use of force trainer at the basic academy, in-service and corporate contract levels. Mr. Boydd has served as a retained use of force expert for the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office (CA), and has worked as a Forensic Expert in Police Practices for Martinelli & Associates Justice Consultants, Inc. Mr. Boydd’s experience also includes product development to include the patented rifle rated Compact Response Shields currently offered by Armor Research Company, Pat-Down Props®, and the soon to be released patented Hexbaton®. Prior to a career in law enforcement, Mr. Boydd served six years on active duty as a member of the United States Air Force.

Science & Technology

law enforcement, shield armor, bulletproof shield, tactical gear, tactical, police, riot gear

Compact Response Shield | How to install the ARC Tactical Shield Sling

Read more This installation video is a step by step guide on how to install the ARC Tactical Shield Sling on the Armor Research Company, Inc. Compact Response Shield. #shield #lawenforcement #armor For more information on the Compact Response Shield: Jim Boydd is the National Sales Director at Armor Research Company. Mr. Boydd is a retired Police Sergeant for the City of Corona (CA) and has worked numerous assignments including, Patrol, Field Training, SWAT, Traffic, and Gang Enforcement. He has over 25 years of experience as a law enforcement use of force trainer at the basic academy, in-service and corporate contract levels. Mr. Boydd has served as a retained use of force expert for the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office (CA), and has worked as a Forensic Expert in Police Practices for Martinelli & Associates Justice Consultants, Inc. Mr. Boydd’s experience also includes product development to include the patented rifle rated Compact Response Shields currently offered by Armor Research Company, Pat-Down Props®, and the soon to be released patented Hexbaton®. Prior to a career in law enforcement, Mr. Boydd served six years on active duty as a member of the United States Air Force.

Science & Technology

sling, shield, armor, law enforcement, bulletproof, compact response shield, armor research company

The Lightest Rifle Rated Compact Response Shield On The Market Today

Read more The Compact Response Shield is now offered exclusively by the Armor Research Company. No bolts, screws or holes are drilled into our curved lightweight UHMWPE ballistic rifle panels. This eliminates common weak points found in most ballistic shield products. The Compact Response Shield comes in both (CRS21) 21" and (CRS26) 26" lengths, with a panel weight of 7.5 lb. +/- (CRS21) and 10 lbs. +/- for the (CRS26). Originally designed by Retired Police Sergeant James Boydd for solo officer responses to active shooter incidents, this lightweight and compact shield can be quickly deployed and utilized for a variety of response options. #compactresponseshield #activeshooter #ballisticshield

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