ARC 的 Compact Response Shield™ (CRS™) 是专为进攻性战术用途而设计的,具有重量轻、符合人体工程学的特点,也适合身材较小的个体。
专利的 1000D Cordura 承重防护罩由 FirstSpear 公司在美国专为 CRS™ 制造,采用其独特的 6/12 技术以减轻重量。这款高品质的 2 磅防护罩采用军用规格织带和缝线,在任何天气条件下都能在野外保持耐用性和弹性。防护罩具有前衬垫 、molle 织带、符合人体工程学的弧形耐冲击前臂衬垫、前臂带和集成手柄。CRS 可通过将各种袋子、设备和配件安装到前后魔术贴 molle 上进行定制。顶部装载的 YKK 拉链系统将防弹盾面板固定到位,并允许根据需要更换面板或盖子。美国专利 D871,763 S。
The Compact Response Shield™ has a patented load bearing cover and boltless design (i.e., no holes drilled through the panel for added accessories) which eliminates common weak points typically found in other shields that compromise both integrity and performance. The Compact Response Shield™ is available in 21" and 26" lengths with lightweight panel weights of 7.75lbs and 10lbs, respectively. For additional coverage, an optional ballistic flip down panel provides extended length and protection. The Compact Response Shield™ unique ergonomics enables on-the-move, offensive solo officer responses to active shooters and evolving situations that present potential armed engagement.
The Compact Response Shield™ is periodically re-tested to National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Standard 0108.01 (Ballistic Resistant Materials) by Oregon Ballistic Laboratories for NIJ Level III (7.62x51/M80) plus special threat testing for NATO 7.62x39 Type 56 MSC and 5.56 M193. Oregon Ballistic Laboratory in Salem, Oregon, is an independent ballistics testing facility certified and licensed by the NIJ (the research, development and evaluation agency of the US Department of Justice) to conduct product testing and verification compliance to NIJ standards on behalf of the US Department of Justice. NIJ standards are uniformly applied by law enforcement and government agencies in the USA and adopted by many other countries.
KYDEX 步枪支架
MOLLE 安装的 Kydex 步枪支撑支架在美国制造,专为 Compact Response Shield™ 设计,可放置在左侧、右侧或两侧。足够大,可容纳大多数步枪前握把,并为射击创造一个稳定的平台,同时提供正确的瞄准图像。用一只手射击手枪时,将上臂放在支架下方,可在后坐时提供支撑,从而提高准确性、手枪操作和威胁获取。专利申请中
可选的双调节盾牌吊带由美国海豹突击队专门为 CRS 设计和制造。这款Compact Response Shield™吊带在美国制造,允许用户以各种姿势运输或操作盾牌。
Foxfury Taker B30 1000 流明防护罩灯可轻松安装在防护罩上,通过压力开关提供 3 种照明模式。该套件定制配备织带安装的电池组袋和两个 Velcro 线控制条。
车门窗带可为驾驶员侧或乘客侧车窗提供车窗高度保护。车窗带在美国制造,采用 3/4 英寸尼龙织带和快速释放扣。带子穿过 CRS 背面的外部 D 形环,并固定在车门窗框上。专利申请中。